The China-Japan-Korea Personnel Policy Network
With the aim of promoting close cooperation and mutual exchange in the field of personnel administration as part of the trilateral cooperation, the personnel administration agencies in Japan, China and Korea, namely the NPA, the National Civil Service Administration (NCSA) of China and the Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) of Korea have implemented various cooperation programs.
Heads Meeting
In February 2023, the NCSA hosted the 9th Heads Meeting online, and Ms. Kawamoto Yuko, the President of the NPA; Mr. Xu Qifang, the Chief of NCSA; and Mr. Kim Seung Ho, the Minister of Personnel Management of Korea attended. The three countries agreed and signed on a new memorandum of cooperation at the meeting.
Joint Symposium
The three countries annually hold symposium to share views and trends of personnel administration. On June 17, 2022, the 14th Joint Symposium was held online, on the theme of “Equity Process and Complaint Counseling System”.

Joint Training for Young/Mid-Level Public Employees
Joint training program aims to provide mutual understanding of the national civil service system of each country and international perspectives to young and mid-level officials from the three countries.
- The 14th Joint Training Program for Young/Mid-Level Public Employees
From September 27 to 28, 2022, 9 trainees (3 from the NCSA, the NPA and the MPM each) participated in the training program hosted by the NCSA. They presented and discussed current issues facing their civil service systems of each country.