In response to demands from developing countries for learnings from Japan’s experiences to improve the governance of their states by establishing a sound civil service system as the foundation of public administration, the NPA has cooperated in training courses for government employees of developing countries hosted by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Training courses on human resources management
The following two courses aim to contribute the improvement of the civil service systems of participating countries (regions) by providing them with knowledge and emerging trends of personnel administration in Japan.
- Seminar on Governmental Human Resource Management for Senior Officials
This seminar is designed for senior officials of central personnel administrative agencies. A total of 283 officials from 80 countries (regions) participated in this seminar during the period from FY1991, when this seminar started, to FY2021.
In FY2022, 6 officials from 6 countries (regions)* participated in the online seminar from September 5 to 22.
*Egypt, Ghana, Samoa, Tanzania, Vanuatu, Zimbabwe
Seminar on Governmental Human
Resource Management for Senior Officials
- Seminar on Public Personnel Administration for Middle Level Officials
This seminar is designed for officials of central personnel administrative agencies at assistant director level. A total of 244 officials from 75 countries (regions) participated in this seminar during the period from FY1999, when this seminar started, to FY2021.
In FY2022, 8 officials from 8 countries (regions)* participated in the online seminar from January 23 to February 8.
*Egypt, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Mauritius, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu, Vietnam
Seminar on Public Personnel Administration for Middle Level Officials |
Seminar on National Government Administration for Senior Officials
In this seminar, participants consider how public administration can effectively contributes to the socioeconomic development of each country through lectures about the development of public governance and economy in Japan and discussions of various policy issues. A total of 359 officials from 81 countries (regions) participated in this seminar during the period from FY1986, when this seminar started, to FY2021.
In FY2022, 11 officials from 9 countries* participated in the online seminar from November 28 to December 15.
*Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Mauritius, Nigeria, Philippines, Tanzania, Vanuatu
Seminar on National Government Administration for Senior Officials