

The National Personnel Authority (NPA) annually invites officials from foreign governments and researchers/experts in the field of personnel administration to give a public lecture and exchange opinions. The objectives are to promote cooperation in this field and solicit suggestions from other countries’ experiences on issues the Japanese public employee system is facing.


For Building the APS (Australian Public Service) to be an employer of choice (February 21, 2024)
The National Personnel Authority has hosted a webinar on "For Building the APS to be an employer of choice" by inviting speakers from the Australian Public Service Commission. How does the Australian Government make their public service more attractive so that it can attract and retain talented people? We will find clearer understanding on their strategies and measures.
The Digital Human Resource Management in the Danish Government (March 28, 2023)
This webinar is hosted by the National Personnel Authority on March 28, 2023. Mr. Thomas Due from the Agency for Public Finance and Management, Denmark will speak about the realities of data-driven human resource management.
Utilization of digital tools by the Dutch Government (March 8, 2023)
This webinar will feature three speakers from the Directorate General for Digitalisation and Public Administration, Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Netherlands will present some of the most advanced and flexible work styles in the world. They will also introduce their actual offices.
Tech Talent Attraction, Development & Retention Strategies in Singapore (January 27, 2023)
The NPA invites Mr. Desmond Teo from the Government Technology Agency (GovTech), Singapore as a speaker.
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